Thursday, December 22, 2011

Memories day at Yoido Korea 03 April 2011

Beautiful sea view at Korea Yoido park
A relax and family gathering park at Yoido. The view is great and nice. A lot of cyling activities, camp, family activity here. The day is good day and the weather  is suit outdoor activities.

I've joined their service at Yoido Full Gospel Church, God is great and power to his kingdom. He bless to Korea and give the his wonderful blessing. 
Beautiful Lavender at Korea  Youdo park

63 City -Wax Museum


New tea pot

My new pot was received in my birthday year2011.
Previous, I've bought a pot and it's expensive due to handling not well, it was broken, even though it's not serious damage to the pot (holder area broken) it's can't be use.
Compare the previous pot, It's smaller and cute, the most I like is the pot was the boiling point extremely good.
I like this very much. It's easy to handle and storage.

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Life experience

瑞士14天旅游 (1)

瑞士是位于中欧国家之一,北邻德国,西邻法国,南邻意大利,东邻奥地利和 列支敦士登,是全球最富裕,居民幸福指数和生活水准最高的国家之一。 风景极美, 人人都说欣赏一次不够,有机会再来一回。 对于我来说去瑞士旅行一般上都要花费马币 15 千左...