Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Korea Tour on 28.03.2011 [Monday]

28.03.2011 >> Our journey:

1. Namsan N Seoul Tower 首尔塔 (N 서울타워)
  > N Seoul Tower 首尔塔
  > Teddy Bear Museum 泰迪熊博物馆 (테디베어뮤지엄N서울타워)
  > Namsan Park 南山公园 (남산공원)
2. Dongdaemum History and Culture park
  > Shopping at Dongdaemum market
  > night view Cheong-gye-Cheon Stream  清溪广场~五间水门,清溪文化馆~五间水门路线

Early morning wake up and have a refreshment, our guesthouse was prepared some breakfast such black coffee, tea pack, bread, and Korea cup mee for us. We've take the prep breakfast and we've started to visit at site.
1st of all, we've agreed to visit the nearest place 'N Seoul Tower', the way walk around 5 min. and reach to the Namsan N Seoul Towel Cable car station.
We're bought the cable car ticket, the price was 6000won around RM17.40 per person.

N Seoul Tower cable car ticket
N Seoul Towel map
We're waiting at the cable car entrance.

Koey and Myself taken picture at cable car entrance.

View: Photo background of N Seoul Tower.
Hi! Seoul Korea

We've stay there around 3 hours on-site visit.
Group photo at N Seoul Tower

We met this 2 korean girls at N Seoul Tower and we've exchange our email for contact.
Teddy Bear Musuem Entrance, but we didn't visit due to limited time.
However, we've gone to visit the Teddy bear gift shop and taken some picture.
Snow !! snow!! wow!! but we can't experience it. We're heard Korea on previous day was snow. The weather was cool around 2 - 7 deg. and have some small rain on site during our visit.  

We're on the way back to Namsam Guesthouse, however we still capture the scenery on the way back. 

We met the police in korea during their patrol at N Seoul tower.

 We're reach to the foot of Namsan around 4;15pm. After we're back to Guesthouse for rest.

T-money card for Transporation, it can be use for bus, subway and redemption at family mart, GS25 mart. very convenient

This is our study plan for subway guidance printed though Korean Government Tourist Website.
Now we have to use it for our travel !!! Our destination is Dongdaemum History and Culture street and market. Let's go to subway station now.

Arround 6pm we're arrived subway 4 to Dongdaemum History & Culture street and market.
Taken subway 4 >> Dongdaemum History and Culture.

Yummy!! yummy...I've bought 2 types of street food at Dongdaemum.
1st meal : 炒年糕
2nd meal: potato with hotdog 
Most, I like the 2nd meal very much.

We also went to The FaceShop!! I bought some face mask, makeup remover in water based, BB Cream. 
Nearby, a lot of Complex like Doota, Hello APM, and etc....

Cheong-gye-Cheon Stream Song
We met our team member at the complex where neaby the presentation stage...There was a presentation on-stage.
After we walk to the Cheong-gye-cheon river where nearby the Dongdaemum complex around 19:30, there is a subway station.

We're tired and went back to guesthouse. On the way back , I bought a cushion at subway shop. It's purple color and made in Korea. I think tonight have a good sleep. 
We saw this custome shop at subway road, the korea custome very beautiful and nice.

Absolute archived and good day!!



  1. Hey , Travel partner not bad for our trip can considered to successful trip for us. keep on doing well for our next trip on year 2012 .

    professional camera is totally different. photo is so clear and nice shooting.

  2. I'm satisfied with my camera, It's feeling good when shooting.
    I'll keep upgrade my skill and hardware as I can.

  3. We still have some place yet to visit..maybe remain it for the next chance....!!


Life experience

瑞士14天旅游 (1)

瑞士是位于中欧国家之一,北邻德国,西邻法国,南邻意大利,东邻奥地利和 列支敦士登,是全球最富裕,居民幸福指数和生活水准最高的国家之一。 风景极美, 人人都说欣赏一次不够,有机会再来一回。 对于我来说去瑞士旅行一般上都要花费马币 15 千左...