Monday, April 18, 2011

30.03.2011 景福宫 Gyeongbokgung palace at Korea

 Today is 4th day at Korea, What's today breakfast menu ??
    Healthy food and fruits...bread, Korea tea, soup. After we finished....we're started our planned day!!
   The way to Myeong dong subway station, I'm bought a botol of soya... emm.. yummy....quite delicious!!

    Visit schedule > Gyeongbokgong > Insa Dong  .....

景福宫(第117号历史遗址)在韩国五大宫阙中无论就规模还是建筑风格都堪称五宫之首。Gyeongbokgung Palace (Historic Site No. 117) in South Korea in five main palace building, whether to scale and style of house called the first five.

>Let's go to subway! We're taken subway 4 to Chungmuro station & transfer subway 3 to Gyeongbokgung 
     We've reached to the Exit 5 National Palace Museum 国立古宫博物院.
At side, there was a High school exhibition...Student creative arts show room!! A lot of Student creative arts!


Subway also very culture style like....!! let's exit to gate!!
Advertisement board shown at the subway beautiful the layout of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Exit from gate 5, we reached to the National Palace Museum. It's free for visit.
Let's go to visit the National Palace Museum.!!

It's too many floor and we've limited time to visit it!!  We back to the entrance hall on way we met a group of Malaysian and we've some chat about tour in Korea. At Entrance we collect some of the postcard and with special chop symbol as we stamped as a memory!! Let's move to the Gyeongbokgung Palace !! 

See...the subway staircase!! very convenient. This is side gate of palace, ticket counter was nearby. We're bought the Entrance ticket 3000Won / person.
一张门票可同时观览景福宫, 国立古宫博物馆和国立民俗博物馆
A ticket can also visit other Gyeongbokgung Palace, National Palace Museum and the National Folk Museum

There were some performance conducted here !! Let see!! The commander stand at the main gate, they're stand straight non a .wax man. Obs....they can move, they're wear culture dress.
After taken photo with them, He commanded and perform their routine job. The time almost at 12:45pm. Later on, they're performed the etiquette. Many visitor were surrounding and have a view.  




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瑞士14天旅游 (1)

瑞士是位于中欧国家之一,北邻德国,西邻法国,南邻意大利,东邻奥地利和 列支敦士登,是全球最富裕,居民幸福指数和生活水准最高的国家之一。 风景极美, 人人都说欣赏一次不够,有机会再来一回。 对于我来说去瑞士旅行一般上都要花费马币 15 千左...