Thursday, April 14, 2011

Everland Korea at 29.03.2011

29.03.2011 [Tuesday]

Early morning , I'm wake up, as normal I've prepared my breakfast and have a good start on day.

Appearance very nice...abstractive.....emmm......very sweet and big.
Thanks to Felicia to share the fruits in the morning breakfast. It's delicious!!

Schedule today was long distance, travel to Everland. A beautiful and nice park.
We've prepared Everland entrance discount ticket and get a read on the transport map.
Our group was ready to start today travel, lets go to the street !!!!

At subway station, I bought this....for my travel food to Everland.  Food look nice and delicious.

In our travel plan, the guidance was stated to the way of Nambu Bus get reach the way to Everland....but something happen...let's continue....

We asked a kind man to lead us to the bus station. He was helped us to inquired with sale person at counter to buy Everland bus ticket. However, Sale person replied they was no bus enter to Everland station. 
We very thank you because he did call to Everland to get direction. 
He given us the direction to take subway to another subway station called Gangnam and take bus no.5002. 

   He's  helpful and we've taken photo with him and thanks to his kindness !! 
   In conversation, He did said he has been went to Johor, Malaysia before.
We're study the map and take the subway line 2 to Gangnam station. Lastly, we reach to Gangnam. What happen on we looking for the bus station???.....

 I think is the building guide..the sign board.. so nice!!

 We've reached to the bus station to get bus 5002, and we're thanks to the person who lead us, let see who is she...?
Very appreciate the warm welcome [Korean people]. She's helpful lead us to the bus station.
We're taken the bus 5002 to the way of Everland. Still far away, the transfer was taken about an hours time to reach the destination. Another question, which station we need to drop???
Felicia asked a young guys to shown us the drop by station to Everland.

Take as rest in bus during transfer, Koey was not feeling well.  
I've drop down some travel notes in bus, later on I get a short sleep.

Wow!! We've reached the station. We get off from bus 5002 and we've saw the free Everland shutter bus allocate nearby.
This is the station we get off....but this is not the Everland shutter bus....The bus is another way!!

Fetch us to the Everland!!! 

Beautiful scene at the bus station [Everland]
Wow!! We're happier reached to Everland. Let's go to buy ticket >>>

Everland entrance day pass ticket with discount per person cost 31,000 [RM89.90]

Bought Ticket...Let's go to the park. the time is 13:21, we may back to here together later on 19:30.      
Let me have a simple lunch here....I bought a cup of Hot Chocolate ^^remember I still have the morning breakfast.
    This is the place, I taken my simple lunch here.

So cute!!! Disney....!!
During open air cable car, I capture it...!!
Taken a open air cable car to ZOoo...!!
Let's go...follow the Everland map!! too..many place need to visit...!!

Emmmm .... the sky was dark, time was 19:15. We have to go back to the main entrance to meet Felicia family.
Oh....we've reach to the main entrance, the time already 19:38.

We said goodbye to Everland. Night weather was cool enough and tired. We get into shutter bus back to the station
We wait around 20 mins to get the 5002 back to subway and transfer back to Myeong dong station.
Back to Guesthouse and have a warm bath, later we have a dinner nearby guesthouse.

  We successfully archived a day.

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瑞士14天旅游 (1)

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