Saturday, February 8, 2014

Interest Place in Jeju

As mentioned in previous blog,We're search a few local tour guide to guide us our journey.  Our listing as attached photo ;-)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Part 1: Schedule travel to Korea Busan, Jeju (2014)

Now already step into early February 2014, my travel partner was discuss on the schedule travel itinerary on the coming month.

We've booked for 12 days trip to Korea Busan, Jeju and other places. 
My Airasia ticket was booked last year, the price was RM 825 without baggage fees. The cost a bit higher than my travel partner due to late booking.
Indeed, Ringgit Malaysia was dropped. 
My estimate the travel cost may high. Look in the planed destination, most of the visit place has to pay for entrance fees. However, we're still need to visit.

On the other hand, we're planned to stay in Namyang guesthouse and Yeha guesthouse in Jeju. Some of the itinerary was choose and we may like to search for transport. As know english is not popular in Jeju. we have an idea is to appoint a local tour guide,so we may save time and cover the interest place.

For overview on the area in Jeju map:

Life experience

瑞士14天旅游 (1)

瑞士是位于中欧国家之一,北邻德国,西邻法国,南邻意大利,东邻奥地利和 列支敦士登,是全球最富裕,居民幸福指数和生活水准最高的国家之一。 风景极美, 人人都说欣赏一次不够,有机会再来一回。 对于我来说去瑞士旅行一般上都要花费马币 15 千左...