Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chang House New Year Gathering Feb 04, 2011

Organizer (Wong san) was message and gather all of us to celebrate Chinese NEW Year 2011 at Suzuki&Chang house [3pm].
We're greeting each other....and have a good time gathering and sharing..etc.


Life experience

瑞士14天旅游 (1)

瑞士是位于中欧国家之一,北邻德国,西邻法国,南邻意大利,东邻奥地利和 列支敦士登,是全球最富裕,居民幸福指数和生活水准最高的国家之一。 风景极美, 人人都说欣赏一次不够,有机会再来一回。 对于我来说去瑞士旅行一般上都要花费马币 15 千左...